Langley has always been a champ when it comes to sleeping. But since we've been paci-free, naps are 1 hour - like to the minute, exactly 1 hour and she wakes up screaming. Not talking or whining, screaming.
Bed time is usually between 7 and 7:30 because we are all exhausted, but gone are the days of staying in bed until 8 (for her, I never did this.) Now, between 6:30-7:00 AM she is whining and crying loudly.
I realize some people would give anything for their child to sleep 11 hours at night and nap for any amount of time during the day, but I miss sleep. I miss quiet time during the day. We are tired and sometimes miserable.
And, I'm not going to give her the paci - I'm way too stubborn for that, and I know it's in her best interest to be without it. But, I just don't know what to do. It's been over 2 weeks of this. I need 2 hours of quiet during the day. I need it. I don't care if she sleeps, but I just want her to be quiet. I don't know how to make that happen.
Honestly, she's watched a lot more TV and movies, just so I can have a moment to use the bathroom or sweep the floor or just lay down in peace during the day. I know I'm complaining, but I'm also asking for any advice you may have on gettting a toddler to rest during the day.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
10 hours ago