Even though I have the worst sinus pressure and pain of my life, and got 2 shots and 2 perscriptions yesterday, we all made it to church today!
We tried to get a few pictures before we left. Sunday is the ONLY day of the week I have on makeup and clean and blow dried hair.
We have pretty much changed churches because of Aubrey's issues, just so we can all go together. She eats right before we go, so now the only "issue" is that church is during her nap time and clearly she won't take a nap with all those new people to look at so she loses her mind when she reaches a level of "tiredness/frustration because she doesn't really like people touching her that aren't mommy or daddy." In this picture Josh was on spit up patrol while I got all our stuff together.
Too bad this one is blurry.
Our plan for today was to take Aubrey with us into big church. I had her swaddle ready to go and we always have to have a burp rag or bib on her because she will puke all over herself.
So, she did great through the singing and some praying, but was over it by the time the preaching started.
I took her out in the hall and swaddled her up and sat for a few minutes where I could still here the sermon. She was bored after about 10 minutes, so I took her in the nursery and just stayed. She sat in her carseat, swaddled up, and didn't make a sound. She just watched all the action going on around her, which included Langley :-)
It's not ideal, but so far, the best week we've had at church. No one screamed or cried, so at this point I guess that's all I can ask for!
By the way, I'm sorry for all the times I judged other people for taking their babies and toddlers into the worship service. I don't know your situation, just because I am all about sending my kids to the nursery, doesn't mean everyone has to be. I am now the parent of a child, who I'm guessing will always have an issue with seperation anxiety or stranger danger, so from here on out, the nursery will be a challenge for us. So, I'm sorry for immediately rolling my eyes when I saw a little one come in for fear that I would be totally distracted the whole time. I am in your shoes. However, as I did today, when your child does become loud where certainly everyone around you is distracted, remove your child from that situation just out of respect for others who may need and want to hear and pray and worship without baby/toddler noises going on.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
16 hours ago
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