Friday, August 27, 2010

The Funk is Lifting!

Langley has slept 3 nights in a row, and is overall just happier!  I weighed her this morning and the scale said she was 18 pounds!  Looks like we had a little growth spurt.  (I check for teeth everyday and there are still none.)  I took a few pictures of our little sweetheart.  Maybe she's just happy because we've had fabulous weather the past 2 days and she's gotten to go outside more.  We even made an apperance at the CBC Soccer game tonight, and if you know anything about Josh's feelings toward soccer, you know that it must have been nice out to even get him to consider :-)

Thank you for all the encouragment and advice on the last post!  I realized today that the Lord had fixed every "problem" I complained about in the last post.  He is faithful and in control even when I want to fix everything myself or get wrapped up in the small everyday annoyances that life can bring.  Thank goodness I'm not in charge!

1 comment:

The Happy Hatch Family said...

Love those cute pics and those paul frank jammies are adorable!