Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Childbirth Class Highlights - 4th and Final Part
Our fellow class attenders were again entertaining. Now for the highlights...
1) A version of this conversation actually happened in a LDRP room:
Wife #1 - "can we see the placenta?"
Nurse #1 - "yes, ask the doctor" (she then goes on to explain what the placenta looks like, the texture, etc.)
Josh - "i bet it makes good catfish bait"
Lucky - "oh yeah, good bait"
Wife #2 - "we had some friends that took hers home and put it in her lasagna"
2) During a discussion on post-partum depression, I looked at Josh and said "you think I already have this!" We laughed. He agreed.
3) One thing I had no idea about was the sitz bath...i had no clue, I thought it meant an actual bath in a tub. After seeing an actual sitz bath, Josh says "I may need to borrow that."
4) We met the triage nurse. I don't remember her name, but I just call her boss lady. She determines whether or not you get to stay.
5) The security at Conway Regional is pretty impressive. Please don't let it be my family who wants to show off the baby in the waiting area and shuts the entire women's center down - i'm talking LOCK down if a baby goes out of the specified areas.
6) The scrubs for the OR do not fit Josh. They may have to tie 2 sets together to go around his shoulders. Josh commented how the OR reminded him of an execution...I think it's the whole being strapped down thing. Lovely thought.
And on a final note, I went to the doctor yesterday and got checked. No progress. I go back in 2 weeks - I'll be 37 weeks, so I'm expecting/praying for some kind of progress at that point.
Friday, January 22, 2010
I'll just cuddle up with Henry and watch movies tonight to relax - oh wait - I definitely won't be doing that since I'm still mad at Henry. He made sure to pee all over himself in his kennel today so that I could mop the floor, clean out his cage, and bathe him when I got home from work. Because that situation is very very typical for this day.
[Note to self: "Consider it pure joy...."]
There's always tomorrow! I am praying that the weekend is enjoyable, relaxing yet productive, and safe for us all!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My Very Favorite...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Childbirth Class Highlights - Part 3
We finished our floor work. Josh and I couldn't really talk at all because of the chance of another laughing outburst. Then our topic was pain relief, I'm talking the DRUGS! I had a lot of questions about epidurals, so did everyone else.
Here's the deal. I am not pro or anti epidural. I always figured I would have one, but I trust my body to do things it was made to do. I don't want to get an epidural when I'm at a 2, then have to lay in the bed for the next 24 hours. That does not appeal to me at all. I will go as far as I can, being able to move around, out of the bed, before I get an epidural. Plus, I'm guessing that most of my labor will be in my back (just like my momma) and epidurals aren't effective in that case...all it would do would prevent "exit pain" as the nurse put it.
{This now concludes my personal views on pain relief. I'm not looking for a debate. Each woman and labor is different. People who do it all with no drugs are SOLDIERS in my opinion.}
We did not get to go on our tour of the Women's Center because all of the rooms were filled with momma's having babies and the operating rooms were also occupied. The warmer weather had a effect on some people! So, we spent the last 30 minutes or so just freely talking and asking random questions. Next week, post partum issues and (hopefully) the tour to conclude our classes!
Told you it was uneventful!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Baby Update
Langley is for sure a girl, we all got a great view finally! She has long legs and is estimated to weigh 5 lbs and 10oz already. Both Josh and I were over 8 lbs at birth, so it's not a surprise she's already a pretty big girl! And, her precious little heartbeat was 138.
There have been a few appointmentss were I left feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, but today I left with an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness and excitement!
I washed newborn clothes and bedding last night. Again, I was so thankful because I realized I don't have to buy any newborn sized clothes! We've had hand-me-downs and I've made 2 ebay purchases, which left me with a full large load of newborn sized clothes (let's be real, she won't be newborn sized for long!) So so thankful for generous loved ones who've shared with us and the good deals I've found on ebay! Also, I don't need any more newborn sized diapers, we have at least 5 large packs already!
Josh will paint and we will work on getting that room together this weekend! Now, I just have to find a spot for all the junk that is currently in her closet :-)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Childbirth Class Highlights - Part 2
There was not 1 single incident that made me laugh so hard, but I completely lost control when we had to sit on the floor, me between Josh's legs and practice relaxation. I laughed so hard I couldn't breath, I was crying, and I was really hoping I wouldn't pee my pants. See, we're not really massage people. Very rarely do I rub his shoulders or do I get a back rub. And we're definitely not Enya listening people. But this is no excuse for my uncontrollable laughter. I hope I didn't distract any other couple. I mean, my laughter was silent and I had my face covered up with my hands,but if anyone saw us they would have been distracted. Maybe I should apologize. Accept I couldn't without laughing again.
The class started with a little review from last week, followed by the discussion/power point of the really worst parts of birth in my opinion. I'm talking episiotomy, forceps, vacuums, internal monitors - that kind of stuff. Josh doodled around the illustration of one of these procedures. I giggled and told him to stop.
2 of the couples ask the most questions. A lot of questions about what the hospital allows/does not allow as far as "going natural," induction, which doctors do what. 95% of the questions are very helpful, the others could really be asked in a 1-on-1 setting. Anyway, one of the dad's reminds Josh of one of our favorite shows - King of the Hill (I know, don't judge.) Specifically, the character Lucky. If you are at all familiar with Lucky, you probably just chuckled. So Josh kept referring to the dad as "Lucky." I would giggle every time.
Then we took a break, and when I returned from the bathroom Josh was very focused on the class project. The project being a homemade version of the "bed buddy." Basically a sock filled with rice that you can warm up in the microwave and use on sore or tense muscles. Well, "Lucky's" project turned out to be short and stumpy - not ideal for the intended purpose- instead of longer and skinny that you can use around your neck. Josh kept saying "look at Lucky's sock, look at Lucky's sock! Mine's so much better!" I giggled - quite a bit. Ok, a lot.
We then head to the floor. Josh sat against the wall and I leaned back in between his legs. I knew he would be uncomfortable. The lights dimmed, the Enya CD played, the nurse began instructing the dad to massage the mom, and the mom's to "relax, visualize, breathe deeply..." Ya'll, I just laughed and laughed, the entire time. I would stop briefly when I made myself think of loved ones who have died. Those horribly sad thoughts were the only thing that kept me from getting asked to leave. I promise.
The dads then got a turn to sit in a chair while the moms massaged their scalp and shoulders (which Josh would love any other time) and back and arms. The other couples seemed to really be getting into this, which led Josh to look up at me and say "Lucky's already trying for baby #2." I was again DONE.
We had to cut the floor work short (to be continued next week) because we were running out of time, and there was a video to watch. The video showed different relaxation techniques and labor positions. The highlight of the video for me: the laboring mother who found relief sitting on the toilet with the dad at her side having a snack. That dude was munchin' on something as if he was on the couch in front of the tv. It struck me so funny. I giggled, or shook violently while trying to suppress my obnoxious laughter...whatever you want to call it.
As I told this story today everybody asked if Josh was laughing. He was, but I think he was just laughing at me laughing so hard. I laughed all the way home in the car, when I got home, and honest to goodness - I laughed this morning, like right after the alarm went off.
I haven't gotten so tickled in years. Hopefully I can act more mature next week, especially when we are in the operating room!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Where did the week go?

Josh's friend JD coached his Ecclesia College Royals in Conway Tuesday night. I used the opportunity to try out my new camera. Check out the zoom! (I specifically told the people I needed a camera that I could take basketball pictures and pictures of my child, and that was super easy to use. I ended up with a Kodak Z 915. So far I'm pleased.)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Childbirth Class Highlights - Part 1
Given the topic of the class, you have to expect some interesting quotes/comments/questions. Here are a few of my favorite from last night:
- While talking about the "do's and don'ts" of early labor, we were encouraged to drink a lot and to snack. But one nurse did add "Please don't eat Taco Bell. You don't want to see that again later."
- Concerning group b strep: "it's like strep throat in your bottom."
- After talking about getting checked starting at 36 weeks by your doctor and getting tested for the strep (by swabbing some specific areas,) Josh says to me: "sucks for you."
- I started giggling (almost uncontrollably, like you do sometimes in church) because one of the ladies on the video was Asian and had broken English, and all it reminded me of was the time me and Courtney just wanted some "brown rice and noodles" from Arkadelphia's only Chinese restaraunt and tried to order take-out from the buffet-only establishment. It's a very long story, but to this day I laugh when I think of "brown rice and noodles." [Yes, I realize this is not funny to anyone else.]
- And finally, this morning, one of the first things my husband says after waking up: "i wish we could get one of those birthing bars in the bathroom." Seriously. I almost had to sit down I was laughing so hard. I love that man.
Next week we have to take pillows and do some floor work -- I can only imagine the highlights I will have to share.
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 A Year of Passionate Prayer?
I just finished this devotional book this morning. It took me longer than 30 days, but I think that my "day 30" was New Year's Day for a reason. Really for my own benefit (although I hope you aren't bored to tears by it) I will share my thoughts on "Passionate Prayer."
I got this book when we went on the babymoon in November. I wanted something to teach me how to really pray. I mean, I've been praying for a good 20 + years, but sometimes you just get the feeling that you're not doing it right. I never doubt that God is there, or that he hears my prayers, it just felt as if I wasn't praying correctly, because my prayer life felt very selfish or one-sided. I don't know how else to explain it, I just need a little boost in my prayer life and I sought out some resources.
So, enter "Passionate Prayer." I like this book - it did help me to revive my prayer life - but I wouldn't call it excellent or life changing - it's good. Here are some of my notes, personal reminders, etc. Maybe you will benefit from them as well:
- Prayer should also involve listening, not just asking. Seek God with a still and quiet spirit - and you may have to ask Him to still and quiet your soul. Prayer is the key to spiritual health. (Psalm 131:1 & 3, Revelation 3:20)
- Prayer can be defined as "keeping company with God" or "walking and working with Him." Prayer doesn't depend on me.
- The Father knows what I need before I ask. Jesus is my intercessor, the Holy Spirit is my helper/facilitator. [The Trinity may be a mystery to me, but it's not a mystery to God.]
- Don't be afraid to pray for a miracle, or something only God can do. God loves prayers like that.
- When I feel like I'm at the end, I'm actually at the beginning of something new and marvelous that God has planned. If God says no to my request, He is saying yes to something greater - His Will.
- Prayer preceeds revival.
- Look to the prayer life of Hannah, Nehemiah, Daniel, Paul, and of course Jesus for good examples of how to pray.
My prayer "hang up" is the whole "He will give you the desires of your heart..." thing. I know He will, if my desires mirror His heart and will for my life. I'm almost afraid to ask. It's like if he says no, then I know my heart is not in line with Him at the moment. The desires of my heart have included healing for loved ones, salvation for certain people, specific changes in life circumstances - and I can tell you I have asked these things and they have not occured. That's ok, God is still sovereign (see one of the bullets above) but the "no's" tend to wear me down. John 15:7, James 5:16, and 1 Peter 3:12 are examples of verses that are hard for me to accept. Why? The promises are awesome! I tend to be more realistic than optimistic, in my prayer life, this may hinder me.
But, for 2010, I will pray! I must pray! I won't survive without it!
Have a great January 1 and take a moment to pray - I can't think of a better way to start off a new year.