Looking into the room from the hallway.

There are no pictures in any of the frames yet! My Papa made this little shelf for me when I was in college and Josh painted it to use in the baby room. I just love it!

Here is her bed with a sweet little verse above it.

All of the blankets on this shelf and on the glider are handmade by several different loved ones. Just so special!
Please note my husband in the hallway with the vacuum. Also please note the black back pack hanging up. This is Josh's diaper bag...just precious! Mine is packed for the hospital and is much more girly!
That's it for the room! Nothing fancy, but it suits me!
That's it for the room! Nothing fancy, but it suits me!
1. Where did I get the bedding? Off of Ebay! It was a 9 piece set for a great price. I made some of my family members vote from ones I liked and this bedding recieved the most votes. I can't make decisions like that on my own.
1. Where did I get the bedding? Off of Ebay! It was a 9 piece set for a great price. I made some of my family members vote from ones I liked and this bedding recieved the most votes. I can't make decisions like that on my own.
2. Where did I get the furniture? The bed, book shelf, and glider came from Target (ordered online.) The 2 dressers came from Bates Furniture in Conway.
3. Where did I get the vinyl wall art? The verse came from Ebay and her name was a gift. The mirror her name is on came from Lowes.
4. What color are the walls? Light purple
5. What about the lamp? I finally found a solution to my lamp problem - after about 20 different shopping trips - and 20 is not a huge exxageration! You see, nothing is easy for me. I wanted a touch lamp. There are no attractive touch lamps to be found. So, I bought a lamp and a "touch lamp converter." The Lowe's guy assured me it was the solution. It wasn't. It definitely did not work. After days of lamp shopping, and 3 returns, I bought a dimmer from Lowes and a lamp from Target. I was finally satsified. Good grief.
6. Where are the decorations from? I got several random things from the clearance ailse at Hobby Lobby, some are just things I already had, some were gifts, and I already talked about the vinyls.