Tuesday, January 19, 2010

34 weeks

I got a lot of looks today. Like "oh my gosh look how huge she is!" type looks.

Now I know why!!!


Robin said...

Haha! But you looked SO CUTE today! :)

Ashley Fisher :) said...

Rach! You look awesome! I remember feeling like everyone was staring at me all the time! The best is the funny things everyone starts to say; I wish I would have written that stuff down!! Hope you have a good day!


The Cates Fam said...

i always cute my head out too!! :) you look great!

Evelyn said...

Hey Rachel!!! Found your blog...little girls are amazing:) I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet baby!God Bless:)

Anonymous said...

You are so cute pregnant! I hate i've missed watching you grow! :)