Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Joy of Giving

It's Chrismastime and most people are in the "spirit" of shopping, giving gifts, making wishlists, and just being all around jolly.  But, today my soul feels so full - in a good way.  Please know that nothing I'm writing about today is intended to be "look at me," "look how nice I am," "look how good am I."  I don't know if I am any of those things, this is not about me.  I really struggle with being obedient.  Like doing what God wants me or tells me to do.  I try everyday, but I fail.

Anyway, with the holiday season comes many many opportunities to give.  I am not a person of great wealth.  We can pay our bills and that's about it, but the fact that we are in the Lord's will (me not working full time) and are trying to glorify Him, allow us to still have money left over to attain "wants" and most importantly, serve others.  I think having a baby made my desire to give even stronger.   We have adopted an angel off the salvation army angel tree, made a donation toward the Baptist Children's Home angel tree at our church, and filled a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.  And those dang bell ringers see me coming everytime.  All of these are good things.  Looking at my bank account, I didn't know if it was smart to do these things, but I felt that "tug" to do it.  I am glad I obeyed.

Yesterday morning I had a random thought:  I should go through all Langley's stuff and bag up all the "boy" things.  Before we knew it was a girl, people starting giving us clothes and gifts - it was awesome!  So, yesterday as Langley played I went through 3 tubs of clothes and found 2 walmart sacks of boyish clothes.  I put them in the car thinking I would give them to a student I knew of who was about to have a baby boy. 

This morning, I was thinking about the boy clothes again.  I decided I would give them to this student who is preparing to have a baby boy in some not-so-ideal circumstances.  I just really wanted to make sure that the clothes would be recieved graciously, and that no one would think I was condoning some bad decisions that had been made by this young couple.  I wanted it to be clear that I was thinking of them,  they are loved, and I wanted to help them as so many of my friends and family helped us as we were preparing for Langley.  I specifically prayed this morning that the student wouldnt be embarrassed or that anything negative would accompany these tiny little blue clothes.

And guess what, as I was leaving school today God gave me the PERFECT opportunity to hand over the bag of clothes.  The student was very thankful, no one else was around, it was perfect.  I immediatley remembered my prayer from this morning.  I was obedient, and he blessed me beyond what I deserved.  It felt so good to give.  I got nothing material back.  My gift cost nothing. 

People have been SO gracious to me throughout my life.  God has given me many "good and perfect" gifts.  I pray I always feel led to give beyond what seems logical.

If you've never experienced a "high" from giving the perfect gift or seeing how your small gift can be multiplied; if you've never honestly been able to say I'd rather give than recieve - it's time.  It's time.

{if you've read this far, thank you for making it through my non-edited rambling....Merry Christmas!}

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