I totally should have put this on her 11 month post, but I didn't so...
I want to remember that right now Langley says "uh-oh" all the time. She sounds so sweet when she says it, and really it's more of the sounds than the actual words. So funny! Anyway, she says "uh-oh" every single time she gets in her high chair. This is because she will always drop some food for Henry. For Henry, "uh-oh" is the new "oops."
So, she says "uh-oh" appropriately and will repeat it. But what I think is the cutest is that she responds "uh-oh" every time I say "thank you" and "excuse me." She can be throwing a fit and I say "excuse me" and immediatley "uh-oh" makes us both loose track of what the issue was. She's funny. And cute.
This week she learned to give a "high five" in addition to "regular" five. And today, I said "where's my nose?" and she totally pointed to my nose! We've been working on that! Now, I must teach her how to point and not hit/punch/grab.
The last thing. I have a mole on my neck that she is currently obsessed with trying to scratch off. This is 50% funny and 50% infuriating to me. She gets so obsessed that I won't even pick her up and hold her sometimes. So, she's funny, cute, and a little weird.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
17 hours ago
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