Our Christmas plans got delayed by a week after Langley got a mystery virus that caused her to run a pretty high fever and be miserable for several days. It was not fun, but in the end Josh really needed to be at work those days, so it kind of worked out. She's feeling better now, no fever for 2 days as of this posting, but is still catching up on her sleep (make that all of us.)
We hosted our annual Christmas party for the team last Thursday. It was really fun and we missed the 3 guys that weren't able to make it. The gifts for dirty santa were pretty good this year. As we moved I found several things I'd stored and also nice basketball shorts and a Nike jacket that my husband had never worn - so I regifted like. a. champ! I told them not to expect expensive clothing every year or they will be sorely disappointed. I made tons of food and they ate a lot, however I know for next year to do NO PIE and NO CHIPS. They really did not eat one single piece of pie, I was shocked. But, I do know everyone left full and happy, so that's all that matters!
I hit the 20 week mark in this pregnancy on Monday! I first felt movement at 15 weeks, but only for the last 2 weeks has it been more noticable and happening every day. I love that feeling! It is still sporadic, but the most awesome feeling. I will never forget the first time I felt Langley move. I was at a choir concert before Midnight Madness, I think I was 21 weeks. She was jammin' to the music! My appetite has definitely increased. Like whoa. I'm eating liking a grown man (or 2.) We find out the sex of this baby on January 3!
Here are some pictures from my phone I had forgotten about. They are both from game days.
So, we are excited for Christmas! We've already given Langley her Ipod touch, and she is learning to love it. She was so confused at first why we were giving her the "phone" and not taking it away! We have a few days with both sides of the family, then it is back to the 'ridge to get ready for conference play!!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
16 hours ago
1 comment:
Yah your halfway! Hope you have a very merry Christmas!!!
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