Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Quest for a Cute/Normal Picture

Me:  Langley, you look so cute!  Let me take your picture.
Langley:  Seriously, mom?  You know it's naptime.

Langley:  I'd rather just look at my toes.
Me:  Langley!  Look at Momma!  Smile for Momma!

Langley:  Ok, I'll give you a silly face.  Remember my dimple?   
Langley:   Is this better than the weird face I made yesterday when you wanted a picture of my John Deere outfit?

Me:  Naptime!

1 comment:

NanaK said...

Rachel, Thanks for sharing your sweet babies face. She is a doll! Motherhood becomes you! And, concerning the Christmas wishlist, I think Langley should get all of it!!! Oh, how is Henry's spider bite? How scary is that! Take care of yourself and the family.

Kay Matlock