Saturday, April 14, 2012

Returner's Party

So Tuesday night we had kind of an "end of the year" party for the seniors and invited all of last year's team, even those not returning.  Friday night we hosted all the returner's for a spaghetti supper at our house.  They watched the NAIA National Championship Game (that we had dvr'd) and ate.  I think it was my favorite team party so far...maybe because it was fewer people, or maybe this is the core group that just seems to click the best?

I even remembered to take pictures!

 For any of you familiar with WBC, I know that this team looks different that any other you have seen.

Meanwhile, this one was a wild woman -- the zebra print was appropriate!

She was in everyone's personal space.  Not a shy bone in her last night.  Lord, help us!

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