- I make my own laundry detergent. If you're interested, I make the powder kind because I don't have a place to store the liquid. It's super easy and cheap, and works well getting our clothes so fresh and so clean clean! All it takes is a bar of Fel's Naptha soap, Borax, and Washing Soda. I think I found the recipe on the Duggar's website.
- I heart coupons. I look at them every Sunday. I've never bought a package of diapers, formula or wipes without a coupon! You can find coupons in the paper, in magazines, and online, and sometimes on the back of receipts. Getting a good deal makes me high!
- Realize what's really important. We recently took steps to cut back on our monthly bills. We started with the cable, going back to regular 72 channel cable. The reason? On several occasions, we had flipped through all 300+ channels and remarked "there's nothing on tv." Seriously? Yeah, we can live without it then and save $40 a month. Josh may have cried a little when he had to take the digital box back and I may have cried a little when I remembered the great relationship me and the DVR once shared. But, I love my daughter more, and this small step will benefit her in the future. Next, will be reducing our cell phone bill...this will be harder. I never had a cool phone before the Droid, heck I never even paid more the 99 cents for a phone before the Droid. I heart the Droid, breaking up will take longer than the cable did, but we will eventually drift apart.
2. Langley has always been a good sleeper, well except those first 3 nights of life, but she got the hang of it quickly! She slept from 8:30 pm -6:45 am last Thursday. Yes, I took a picture before I got her out of bed. I was so proud and wanted to remember the moment!

She usually sleeps from about 8:30pm-3:30 am, eats, then sleeps until 7:00 or 7:30. This is considered sleeping through the night and we are so spoiled! But, when she sneaks in the real all-nighter, I just want to eat her up!
3. Well, it's Friday and that means I get to work from home and spend time with my girl! Thank you, Lord!! We have a big weekend, and I'm trying not to freak about the rain. Possibly on the agenda:
- I really want her to expereince her first Toad Suck Daze and get her a little shirt. If at all possible, please go to Toad Suck and spend a little money! All the money goes to scholarships. You may think, yeah right, but really it does! The weather was so bad last year, resulting in much less spending, that each college in Conway only got 2 scholarhsips to award as opposed to 4 in year's past.
- Graduation cook-out for the basketball team. We have this planned for tonight at Beaverfork and we don't have a rain plan. We must figure out a rain plan! Josh and I really want to do something for the seniors. We are SO PROUD of those graduating!!
- Cleaning the house. I had such a bad weekend last weekend and nothing got done. Must clean the house!
- Finish my team work challenge. At work, we've been encouraged to read John Maxwell's "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork," as part of the challenge. Honestly, I only started reading it because I want to WIN the cash prize, but this is a good book! You can apply the principles professionally and in your personal life. Maxwell relates a lot of things to basketball (and other sports) which makes it very applicable to me.
- Athletic Banquet is Saturday night. I don't know anything about it, just that Josh wants me to go. I'm hoping it's a nice evening and I get some good pictures. It's been a hard week for the team, one of the players lost his father to a stroke and the funeral was Wednesday. It has to be so hard for him, if you think about it say a prayer for the Johnson Family, for comfort and healing, and that God will be glorifed through this situation.
- Stuck on a Truck. Yes, this is part of Toad Suck, but I like to check the webcam! People get so crazy, I just think it's hilarious!
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